J and J

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Crabby Jacque

Well this job isn’t easy. Of course I already knew it wasn’t going to be a piece of cake. But this quarter I have a class my cooperating teachers love to tell me is great for me, a good experience. Well I would rather not have this experience. The class is full of immature obnoxious boys who don’t listen can’t be quiet but can defiantly talk back!

This week one student asked me why I was so crabby. I choose not to acknowledge his question, since he was the reason for my crabbiness. I have been called crabby for years by my family; they think it is fun to get an easy reaction out of me, apparently. Usually I am not even crabby, but hearing it then makes me crabby. Anyway, it was pretty annoying to hear it from a student. Oh well, this class isn’t going to like me, just like I am not really enjoying them. So I guess I will have to keep being crabby to get anything done!

By the way keyboarding is very easy to teach, I like it a lot and no one talks back they just sit quietly and type!


  • Yeah, there isn't much worse than having a student call you crabby. I had that happen once. I have the same thing as you, where I immediately get really crabby if someone calls me so. I think people think I am in a bad mood when I am tired or contemplative, because I don't have a smile on (which I usually do otherwise). And now, to avoid having students piss me off by calling me cranky, I constantly walk around with a phony smile on. My face was almost twitching and shaking from it when I went back to work last week. It stinks, but it works. Now I have certain students who every day insist on sucking up and telling me I'm "cute" (females, so it's less weird than it could be). It's my shortness and the smile, I am sure.

    By Blogger Cruelty-Free Mommy, at 4/20/2007 8:19 PM  

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