J and J

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Looking Good!

Here is a picture of Jon last night… Sitting on the couch watching TV and drinking a pop, all while wearing his sunglasses in the dark. His excuse for wearing the sunglasses…. He was going to go look in the mirror to see how they look, he just hadn’t gotten there yet!!

I was going to write about the mean student telling me to shut-up, but I deceided to focus on something on a lighter note. It is always great coming home to hang out with Jon every night!


  • I wear my sunglass glasses at night...so I can, so I can.....Check myself out in the mirror?

    By Blogger J-Rod, at 5/02/2007 9:50 PM  

  • J-rod also wears sunglasses while he practices dancing in his own privacy.

    By Blogger Pacifist Viking, at 5/02/2007 10:15 PM  

  • Mean kid says shut up, teacher fails him. Fair trade to me.
    Nice glasses by the way. I watch a lot ot TV that way.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/03/2007 12:20 PM  

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