J and J

Monday, July 30, 2007

New Decor

Here are some pictures of our new lighting. The lamp in the living room that Jon got from his parents for his birthday and the candles hanging on the deck (which I got for an amazing price of 8.99 for a set of six!)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mission Complete!

Well the storage closet is done. It actually took a lot less time than I thought since I only started Thursday evening and finished Friday afternoon. Here is an updated pic, it is still pretty full, but much more usable.

Jon and I spent the weekend at his parents" house. Since Jon's b-day is coming up this week we celebrated a little early. Jon got a very fun new lamp, which I will take a picture of soon, after we get lightbulbs for it. Sue and I also did a little shopping where I bought some cool hanging candle holders for the deck, hopefully I will get them hung up before Jon's birthday party on Friday (and I will take a picture of them also)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Mission

Since we moved into our apartment I have loved that we have a huge closet for extra storage. It has been nice to put extra stuff in there and now has become overwhelmed. I can no longer walk in there without tripping over stuff, mostly the gulf clubs. So since I seem to have some free time, I decided I will try to clean it up and organize this next week. Since there is so much stuff in there I think it may never look super neat, but at least I could make it more usable!
I took a few pictures of how it looks today and hopefully I will follow through and have some after pictures in a week or so!
Here is what I am up against...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Waiting for the Day to End

Last weekend while hanging out with my family I was talking about my not so nice vacation. I know I will regret not enjoying the free time later this year, but I am not doing well with it now. I mentioned to my family that I sit around and wait for the day to end, which my family thought was quite ridiculous.
Well today I am still waiting for the day to end it is only 2:30.
So I thought I would see what I have done with my day so far. Today is only Wednesday and Monday and Tuesday were not much better..

So here is how my day played out (because I am sure everyone wants to know…)
8:00 Wake up and watch Sports Center with Jon
8:30 Jon leaves for work
9:00 Take a shower
9:15 Watch TV
11:00 Vacuum the first floor, wash windows, and clean laundry rooms
12:30 Check Email
1:00 Make Lunch, Fill and run dishwasher
2:00 Vacuum third floor
2:30 Back on the computer
thinking maybe I could make something for supper and empty the dishwasher in the next few hours before Jon comes home. He also was giving off some pretty strong hints that I could do his laundry… I don’t know if I have reached that point yet.

It has been a great day! Actually it is much better than Monday where I had trouble getting off the couch and Tuesday were I spent most of the morning and early afternoon out shopping (not good for the finances).

The hardest part for me is the lack of conversations. I go all day without talking to people. The when Jon gets home I either have a lot to say and want to go out and do something or since I did nothing worth talking about can't snap out of it.

Luckily Weekends are still great since we always have things to do, places to be and people to see!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Cable, Internet and Sincliar Lewis

Jon and I have decided to bite the bullet and get cable and internet in our apartment last week. It has going very well. Since I am supposed to be enjoying my summer break, I have been getting pretty bored. Now at least I have several (I mean a ridiculous amount) TV channels to check out while I think about what I should do today and can check my email way too often.

I would have thought this part of my summer, after I am done with classes but before I start my job, would be great. Unfortunately I have determined I don’t know how to just sit around and relax, I always want to be doing something. Since I am home alone all day (Jon actually does work!!) I get a little antsy.

Although the weekdays get a bit long for me, the weekends continue to be busy! This past weekend Jon and I went to Sauk Centre for Sinclair Lewis Days. I have always loved the festivities and wanted Jon to check it out also. Joe, Sadie, Jerod and Fox we also all home, so it was a full house. Friday night we hit up the fireworks, which was very nice. Saturday morning the girls went shopping! Crazy days and a craft fair kept us busy uptown all morning. I got a quite a few good deals and even picked up some fun grab bags! Saturday evening was the parade which was really good (but long) We got tons of candy which was pretty awesome sine the last two parades Jon and I have gone to we probably got a total of 5 pieces of candy. After the parade we hit up the pie social at my church, I have never gone to this event before but it was a lot of fun and everyone had some good pie. Well not everyone Jerod didn’t find any he liked and then blamed me for taking the last piece of cheesecake and Sarah just had the ice cream. Joe and Jon liked the pie so much they had seconds!
So overall it was a really fun weekend and I am glad we got to go to Sinclair Lewis Days.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Wedding is Over!

I am excited to say that my friend Jenny's wedding is finally over. I know it was a hassle to do everything, but I did have an awesome time at the wedding and reception. It was a pretty small wedding, which was good. The wedding in Elk River only had about 30 spectators, which was good since they all had to stand outside to watch. I did have lots of difficulty walking in the grass in my horrible shoes, but took them on and off many times until finally switching to flip flops at the reception.
The reception in St. Joseph was a lot of fun. There were about 70 people there and the food was great. The DJ was also very good which made the entire night awesome. I even got Jon out on the dance floor.
As Jon and I were driving from the wedding to the reception (1 hour drive) I was talking about the day getting ready and about our hair appointment (I had to be in St Cloud at 8am that morning) He suggested that I do Not actually sit down and add up all of the money I have spent for this wedding, which I agree is a good idea. I know it is a lot of money... adding it up won't help make a difference at this point. I just realized that this was my friend's wedding and I would have to suck it up to make the day perfect for her!
Overall it was great experience in the end and I am glad Jenny asked me to be part of her day and here are a few pictures.

See the rest of the pics from the wedding here

Sunday, July 08, 2007

This Week in Review

First exciting news, I got a job!! I will be working at Edgeview Middle School in Mounds View. It is a part time job, but I will have opportunity ti sub during my off hours to make some extra money. I will be teaching 6th graders into to Computers and Keyboaring as well as 8th graders General Business and Careers. I am very excited, I think it will be a great place to work and only about 10-15 minutes from our place which is awesome!
Here are the nice flowers Jon bought me to congratulate me!

This week Jon and I also celebrated July 4th with Joe and Sadie again this year. We went to a parade in Afton then had lunch at their place. Fox, Abe, and Erin were also along for the fun. Here are a few pics from that day.

see more July 4th Pictures here

Friday my friend Jenny had her Bachelorette Party, which consisted of a day at Valleyfair and then a nice dinner in St Cloud. I don't have any pics from Valleyfair, but did get some after we got all dressed up fro dinner. As you can see from the pictures I got a little sunburned, even though I did put on sunscreen 2 times, appartently it still wasn't enough...

More pics at Yahoo Photots

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Busy Weekends Continue

I have one week left of my summer classes and very excited to be done!! In this week I still have to complete a final test, 5 page paper and a take home final. Then I am home free…. Well at least until I take my final masters course next Spring.

Two weekends ago, Jon and I discovered it is difficult to get pretty much anywhere from our apartment when something is going on at the fair grounds, which means we can’t wait for the long state fair! There was a back to the 50s car show with 11,000 cars, plus all of the spectators. It was crazy! We also decided to go to a St Paul Saints game that weekend. It was a good time. Lots of activities and contests going on throughout the game. It was super busy, probably since they play at Midway stadium, right next to the fair grounds. They had record attendance with over 6,900 people, and the stadium capacity is 6,500… so general admission sections (where we were) was packed! The Saints played St. Joseph Missouri and won by about 10.

Last weekend we headed to my parents house in Sauk Centre for the Homme Family Christmas. Yes we do understand that it really isn’t Christmas time, but with the busy holiday time my mom’s side of the family have moved their celebration to the summer. It has been going on for over 5 years now and seems to be working out pretty well. Although getting out the Christmas decorations and making cookies still feels a little odd in late June. It was a good time. This is the first time my mom hosted it, so it was nice to only have to go to Sauk Centre instead of way up north! There was a great turn out, about 35 people or so. We played basketball and badminton as well as doing a gift exchange. I again was not even close to winning any award in the purse contest, but still participated. I also ended up bringing home the gift I brought for the women’s gift exchange, which was fine because I liked it!! I think Jon had a good time too, although he is still not used to the summer Christmas concept or the large family gatherings! He did not take his own gift home, and ended up with Scene It, Sports edition. We tried it out the other night, it is actually a lot of fun, of course he knew a lot more than me, but I held my own!

This week is July 4th, so tomorrow Jon and I are going with Joe, Sadie, Fox, Abe and some girl to the parade in Afton. Jon and I went with Joe and Sadie last year and it turned out pretty good for the two of us, so I thought we should go again!